I am so happy with the pictures that my new camera takes. I got some really cool ones at the football game, and of sunflowers in our backyard, and, of course, Zoee.
Nathan is number 34. I'm sad, because his practice jersey was number 49, but they changed his number for the game. My dad would always call Nathan 49, even when they weren't practicing football. And 34 just doesn't sound as cool!
The coach's pre-game pep talk was awesome. He pretty much said, "We are going to win! No matter how big they are, or how mean they look, we can win. We are going to beat the snot out of those losers." And that was it. It was hilarious! The not so great part was that nobody must have been listening, because they lost by a lot (I don't know how to play football, so I can't say exactly how much.)
I spent about half an hour when I first got my camera, walking around outside and taking pictures of flowers. Here are my favorites:
Zoee is getting too big too fast! I wish that puppies grew at the same rate as babies, where they are so small and adorable for about a year, instead of a month. She is 22 inches long from in between her eyes to her rear, and she weighs 14 1/2 pounds! She has about a million chew toys and we have sacrificed a few balls and teddy bears to her. She will find an action figure and rip off a leg or something before we find her. Once we take it away, she finds it again and won't leave it alone, so we give up. It is so cute, because she loves to cuddle when she is sleeping. When she isn't sleeping, that's a whole different story! She chews on your hair, earings, wrinkles in your clothes, fingers, toes, bracelets, and her favorite, my glasses when I'm wearing them. But other than that, she is a super smart dog and is finally getting the hang of potty training.