
Volleyball or Music?

I have a dilemma. I have always wanted a scholarship for volleyball, and now I want to major in music, which means get a musical scholarship, and I can't do both volleyball and music in college... So I have decided that I still want to play volleyball in HS, just not for college, which is a problem if we are putting more than a thousand bucks a year for it and its not even going to pay off with a scholarship. But the thing is that I can't just give up volleyball and forget about it. I still want to play high school volleyball, and we can pay for that, but club is the expensive part (in the spring) and I'm afraid that if I don't do club and keep up my skills, I won't make the high school team next year. But, club takes a ton of money and a lot of time that I could spend in voice or guitar lessons to help me on the music track. I really really love music and I know that in the long run, it will pay off and that I will benefit more if I can play the piano than if I can play volleyball when I'm an old lady. But I can't just quit cold turkey on volleyball. I have no idea what to do. Any suggestions? Opinions? Please.

I Love My Dog

I just have to say how much I love my dog. Apparently I haven't posted in a while and I need to put on more pictures. But my life is pretty much just volleyball and I don't even have any pictures of that, so I can't really post about it. So I am telling you how much I freakin love my dog. She is awesome.

Play? Play? Please, somebody anybody, play?

Yes! Play play play!!! I'm going to chase a rock into the lake and then it will sink and I'll come back so that Nicole can throw another one!!!



This is Jolly, our new sister! Shes our foreign exchange student from Berlin, Germany. She will be here for the whole school year and we are all soooo excited! So is she. She is pretty much awesome. Jolly is way outgoing and tries everything.

So far she doesn't like licorice or root beer. But that's ok because I hate licorice and I used to hate root beer, so we are weird together. She isn't any religion, so when we went to Church she thought it was really weird. When they passed the sacrament, she turned to me and said, "They are giving us food?" She has also been trying really hard to say oh my gosh instead of the other word, because she knows that we don't say that. She's really sweet like that. She said she felt a little awkward in church, but she didn't complain about it at all, and eventually I think she will like it. I'm so excited to have this missionary opportunity!

Haha she came to my volleyball game and they kept the gym at -10 degrees, I swear, and she came and asked me if I had a jacket in German. I looked at her funny and then she realized she had just spoken in German!

She also thinks that my dad is really funny- which is true. And when he talks about good food, his eyebrows go up and down (which I have never noticed before, but Jolly thinks thats hilarious).

Last Sunday was our cooking day. My mom made rotkohl (which she has only had a few times in her life, believe it or not) and bratwurst for dinner. Jolly and I made banana bread with some really rotten bananas, and she was kind of grossed out, and the sad thing is that the bread didn't even turn out that good. We used a new recipe and it wasn't fabulous. We also made brownies. Lots and lots of brownies.

Family Home Evening on Sunday night. She fits in perfect! And of course the boys aren't paying attention and Morgen is bored and cold.

Young Womens- we had an ice cream social in our backyard. Jolly probably thinks that we are the unhealthiest people in the world because at the moment we have 5 1/2 gallons of ice cream in our freezer. We keep telling her that we never have ice cream and she should enjoy it while we do, and then a celebration will come (like the Fantasy Football draft party) and we go buy more ice cream!
Fantasy Football Draft party- Jolly thinks this is the weirdest thing she has ever seen since coming to America. A bunch of 40 year old men in the same room, each with their own laptop. I couldn't agree more, now that I think about it, but before I wouldn't have even thought it was weird, because thats just what these guys do every year!

For Young Womens this week, we had a Modesty Fashion Show, and it was soooo much fun. Jolly even participated! She borrowed one of my dresses and rocked the runway. She is so much fun to have around and I'm so grateful for this awesome missionary opportunity.

Lake Powell

Heres a few pictures of Lake Powell. Aunt Angie just bought a new camera and she brought it down, so we all had a fun time playing with it. The sad thing is that even with some of Angie's pictures and my grandpa's pictures, I only came home with 276 total. And I deleted at least half. That is a record for me! Last year, I came home with EIGHT HUNDRED! And now I only have 100... oh well. At least these ones are all really cute.

Working on Sand Castle 2010

We had some fun doing modeling...

Our matchy matchy French braids...

Nate was a MONSTER on the wakeboard! He got up right away and the next day he was jumping the wake! It was so awesome. I can't even do that...

The wave runners were so much fun to take to Lake Powell. We went up and down the canyons all day long, and we got to wakeboard and tube behind them. The only thing with tubing is that the rope is low and it splashes water into your face constantly (thats an understatement), so you have to wear goggles and not scream or you will get a mouthful of water.

Opa Brent took this one. The reflection is soooo cool!

The day before I got there, they had a huge rainstorm and there were waterfalls everywhere. I was so sad that I missed it! If you didn't know, I had to stay home alone for 2 days to go to volleyball practice, and then I went down on Friday with Aunt Angie. I still missed one practice and had to sit out our first game, but it was totally worth it. I love Lake Powell!