I have so many pictures of landscapes and sunsets that I had to create a whole new folder on my desktop for all of them! Here are a few of my favorites. I am very proud to say that I have taken all but one of these pictures myself.
Posted by Nicole at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1 comments
Gus has been having a hard time with the heat lately. He will sleep anywhere, even a paper bag! He pretty much finds somewhere that is quiet and empty, and lays down. He subconsciously rolls and turns until he is in the funniest positions! Earlier today, I had the bird cage at my feet while I was practicing piano, and Gus came and laid under the piano bench. He had his front paws wrapped around the corner of the cage, and was just staring up at the birds! It was like he was their gaurdian or something, because he got really mad when I took them upstairs and put them in my room.
Posted by Nicole at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1 comments
Uncle Math's Birthday Card
The inside says "Oh, poop. Another birthday." And I wrote, "Hey! That baby on the front looks kinda like you!"
Posted by Nicole at Sunday, June 22, 2008 0 comments
WE HAVE GRASS! I am so excited! It was truly a miracle. We weren't going to be able to have grass for a long time, but then a miracle happened. My mom was on the second-hand sod list at a sod farm across the freeway, and they told her that we probably wouldn't get enough for our whole yard (if we got any at all) because it is a busy season. However, the other morning, they had two huge cancellations and we were able to get our whole yard of sod and extras for half price! It looks so amazing! Here is before:
And after:
Posted by Nicole at Sunday, June 22, 2008 0 comments