I'm so proud of myself! I learned to Digital Scrapbook! It is waay fun, but it took me forever to learn how to use it. Hopefully I can do this a lot more during the summer when I'm bored!
My dad told me to give Zoee a bath the other day, so I did - in his shower and in my swimsuit!
This was my first page ever, and probably my favorite!
Digital Scrapbooking!
Posted by Nicole at Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1 comments
Cute Family Pictures
We went to Thanksgiving Point and took all these pictures of the grandkids for the Grandmas on Mother's Day. They were super cute!
Nathan, Nicole, Caleb, Morgen, Talon, Kinley, and Kyson isn't in this picture, but he is the baby!
Posted by Nicole at Tuesday, May 26, 2009 1 comments
Recent 'Funnies'
Mostly Caleb. Actually probably all Caleb, but all Cute!
Posted by Nicole at Sunday, May 24, 2009 2 comments
Washington DC
I'm going to try to keep these in chronological order, and I am gonna try to only put a few pictures, but I don't know if that's going to happen!
We left on Wednesday morning at like 11:00, I think, but our flight didn't get into DC until about 4:00. The Doty's (the people we stayed with - my mom and dad's old home teachers from a million years ago) picked us up and we went to Chipotle for dinner, then the Museum of Natural History. It was kinda cool, but the only thing I remember was the security guy that scared Brookie when he said, "Do not lean on the exhibit" of the Hope Diamond!
Dad couldn't leave the airport without his Cinnabon!
Thursday - lunch at Uno's, with everyone except Nick.
Morgen (11) and Nick (14)
Me (13) and Brookie (9)
All the girls
Thursday, still - we went to a battefield of the Civil War. Morgen is sitting on one of the cannons that were there. There was an 80 year old woman who lived in the house in the background, and while the war was going on, she refused to leave it, so she was eventually shot and killed in her own home.
I guess this was still Thursday, too - the Religion Day. We went to the DC Temple - it is GORGEOUS! The pictures don't do it justice! After the Temple, we went to the National Cathedral, which was big, but not nearly as pretty as the Temple. Every time we passed a little church on a corner, someone would say, "Let's go take a tour of that one!"
Kelly and Mom
Friday - the Monument Day.
Me, Morgen, Kelly, and Preston in front of the wall with all the war names on it. I can't remember what it was called.
In front of the World War II Memorial, with the Lincoln Memorial in the background.
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
This thing just looked really cute, so I took a picture of it. I don't even know what it is.
On Saturday, we also went to a park right by the airport. It was barely off the end of the runway, so the planes would fly right over your heads before they landed. It was the coolest thing in the world! Nathan and Caleb would have loved it if they were there!
Posted by Nicole at Friday, May 01, 2009 1 comments