
More Bird Pictures

Dwight meeting the family...

Haha this picture is awesome!!!

Penelope (25 days old) Almost all of her feathers are in, and she looks nothing like Dwight (29 days old) He is super colorful, and she is yellow and a gray-ish green color. But they are both super pretty!

You can see the difference really well in this picture...

Dwight is so cute! They both love to cuddle and snuggle and crawl into the blankets, so its really hard to take pictures of them. I found a small box and put the blanket over it, so they couldnt get out or crawl into the blanket. It was so cute because Dwight would stand up as tall as he could and chirp, trying to see his mommy and daddy over the edge of the box!

Its hard to think that they went from this... (hideous, naked, rubbery pink things)
To this... (adorable, cuddly, soft, fun baby birds)
This is Libbie, doesnt Penelope look almost exactly like her? The only difference is that Penelope has a few stripes on her head!

I decided that Dwight looks a lot like Peri, but with yellow instead of white.
Like I said before, they love to crawl into the deepest darkest place they can find!

Today we put Dwight on the perch in his cage. He didnt move at all, and Libbie couldnt figure out why he wasnt in the box! She (or he, I still dont know) would jump all around him and chirp and peck at him. They are all so cute! Nate still thinks hes getting a baby, but thats not going to happen! Its gonna be super sad when they leave. Dwight and Penelope are so fun and adorable! Ill miss playing with them and taking pictures of them! Haha :)

Zoee- 1 yr old!

Shes been a year old for a while now, but I havent posted about her in forever! So this is her 1 year old post!
Zoee definitely does lots of this...

And her tongue does a whole lot of this after...

And she does plenty of this...

And shes learning to do this... (he's eating a sucker)

She loves to give big wet slobbery kisses...

And hopefully after all of that she does a whole lot of this... but we arent always that fortunate!

And people wonder why she is so skinny? SHE DOESNT STOP PLAYING!!! But I still love her!

The Triathlon

So, I was just looking at my mom's blog and I realized that I never posted the triathlon that we did in Layton, clear back on August 1st. It is on her blog too, but I tried to put different pictures on!

The boys playing in the pool while we waited for about 2 hours to start. There was a bunch of different races that were staggered, and the team race was very last, so it took forever!

Mom starting her swim...

Me starting my swim...

We finished!!! You cant see our time in the picture, but my mom did like 49 minutes and I did 57, but only because I got lost on the biking. They have either cones or people on the corners, and coming back I was looking for people when I should have been looking for cones, so I went straight for a while before I realized that nothing looked familiar and I had no idea where I was. Then I turned around and found a person and figured out the way to go, but 6 or 7 minutes had passed. I was not very happy.
But we still finished!!!

I think that running was my best leg, honestly! Im a pretty strong swimmer, like my mom, and the biking was okay, but I was feeling great on the run and I kept a really good pace. Ive done a few 5K's, too, so that helped. Triathlons and 5Ks are really fun! Hopefully I can do a 10K and a full sprint triathlon sometime next year. Ive heard of the Spudman, too, and I think that would be fun when Im lots older! We were even talking about doing a shorter triathlon than this one for a Young Women activity, because we only have 7 young women. That would be way fun!


Dwight & Penelope Pics

Here are some more pictures of the new babies-

They love to cuddle and dig in the blankets until they are completely covered.

Penelope, 15 days old-

Dwight, 19 days old-

Penelope, 18 days, and Dwight, 22 days-

I think their tails are really cool for some reason. Its like little sticks growing out of them!
Their heads are cool, too. And very pretty!
These are the most recent pics, from today, 19 and 23 days old.

Trying to show how pretty his belly is. Its emerald green, on his head and back is black and yellow stripes with a yellow spot on his neck, and his tail has a little bit of blue in it. You cant tell Penelope's coloring very well yet, but she will be almost the same color. I think there is some blue on her belly though.
This picture is really bright, but I thought it was still awesome. It shows how gorgeous his coloring is.