

We had a ton of fun in California for Easter! I was really really excited to go somewhere not 20 degrees and snowing, so the rain was only a little bit disappointing. I was hoping for blistering heat, but anything except snow was fine with me.

I tried to post pictures that aren't on the Meinzer Mayhem blog, so hopefully there aren't a ton of duplicates. And just FYI, my mom emptied my memory card and there were 600 pictures. Then, I deleted about 2/3s and now there are 258, and out of those I narrowed it down to about 20 that I posted, so you should be very proud of me!
Decorating eggs:

We kept our 3D glasses from How To Train Your Dragon (cutest movie ever)

Aunt Emily got Dillon out for us to ride. He's a really good horse!

Easter at Oma Kim's:

Kyson found these sunglasses and wanted me to put them on him. He's so cute!!!


Angie said...

Ah... Kyson is so cute!! Every one else is too of course, but I just love that Blue-eyed boy!