
My Volleyball Tournament

Friday and Saturday was my last volleyball tournament of the season :( Its very depressing to think about. I'm going to be soooo bored without volleyball! Luckily, I am going to a camp this summer and I can play for Lehi High School in the fall, and then club will be in the spring again, so I will still be playing.

We didn't play too well on Friday, but Saturday we won all of our games except the very last one. Unfortunately, because we didn't play well on Friday, the highest place we could get was Bronze division (we have been in Silver all season, and even Gold once). But, we won all our Saturday games except the final one- the Bronze championship game- which we lost by 4 points. It was a really good, intense game. Even though we lost, I think we played really well. On both teams, everyone was super tired since it was the end of the day, so little things like serves were what got us behind.

Here are a few highlights. When I am wearing the red jersey, its because I am the libero and that means I can only play back row, but I can go in and out whenever, and without it counting as a substitution. When I am wearing the black jersey, I have to do a substitution, but my coach still has me just playing back row. I'm not tall enough to play front row :( Thats okay though because I still got a couple hits from the back row at this tournament!

I'm the red jersey in the first video, but I'm black #7 in the other ones.