
Brenden and Cameron Moschetti

I babysit for a family in our ward whose kids are adorable! Every Monday and Wednesday this summer I babysit Cameron (4) and Brenden (14 months). Last time I babysat, I decided to take my camera because they are so dang cute. We went to the park and we played in the sprinkler, and the pictures turned out so cute!

This is adorable! Their mom warned me that Brenden gets into everything in the bathrooms, so I needed to close the door. Cameron had used the bathroom while I was getting them lunch, and didn't close the door. A couple minutes later, I went to get Brenden and put him in his high chair, and found him in the bathroom. He had climbed up the stool and was sitting in the sink, playing with toothbrushes!


About My Dad

I know that I copied this from the Freeman's blog, and that it isn't Father's Day anymore, but it is so cute! I just wanted to see what Nathan and Caleb say about my dad. This is a super cute idea!

What is something dad says to you a lot?
N- Let's Go 49!
C- Hey, buddy!
What is something that makes dad happy?
N- Playing football with me
C- Getting candy for us
What is something that makes dad sad?
N- Me punching him in the stomach
C- Being mean
How does dad make you laugh?
N- Wrestling and Tickling
C- Saying something
What was dad like when he was a kid?
N- Crashing on his dirtbike a lot
C- Going off a jump on his motorbike
How old is your dad?
N- 34
C- 50
How tall is your dad?
N- About 8 feet
C- 5 feet tall
How much does your dad weigh?
N- 110 lbs.
C- 6 lbs.
What does dad do when you aren't around?
N- I don't think I can guess
C- Drives places
If dad was famous, what would it be for?
N- He would be a famous guitarist
C- Going on a motorcycle
What is dad's favorite restaurant?
N- JCW's
C- he eats in the kitchen a lot
What is dad really good at?
N- Crashing on his dirtbike
C- Building houses
What is dad not so good at?
N- Going off of jumps
C- Writing with a pencil
What does dad do for work?
N- Works flying planes
C- Does work on an airplane
If dad were a superhero, who would he be?
N- Batman, because dad's pretty much nocturnal
C- Spiderman, because dad likes spiders
What do you and dad do together?
N- play x-box NFL Blitz Pro with me
C- play football
How are you and dad different?
N- He has more talent at football
C- He's bald
How are you and dad the same?
N- We both like football
C- We both like motorcycles
How do you know that dad loves you?
N- He spends his money on food for me and signs me up for football
C- Because he is the best dad in the world

You can see that everything is centered around football and motorcycles! I pulled them away from their motorcycle game to have them answer these questions, so that might be why.


Driveway of Flames

With all of our vacations, I forgot about the 4th of July! We got all of the neighbors together and ended up setting off about a million fireworks. I went and counted them afterwards, and I counted 128 fireworks! All of the dads just kept going back for more and lighting them, so that we had about 5 going off at the same time. It was tons of fun!

This is the whole neighborhood (practically) sitting on the lawn watching fireworks . . .

I love catching my dad off gaurd when I take pictures of him! He has the weirdest faces . . .

I thought that this was the cutest pouty face . . .

We had smores in Uncle Mike and Aunt Kayley's backyard while we were waiting for it to get dark enough . . .

This is probably my favorite firework picture . . .


Lake Powell

Lake Powell was so much fun! I am so grateful that we are able to go each year. We went out in the ski boat about four times a day, swam in the lake, played cards, drew pictures, fished, watched a movie, played with the dogs, and ate. I got up on the wakeboard with both my right and left foot forward, but not at the same time. My dad tried that, but he did a face plant! Well, he was actually trying to switch from his left foot forward to his right, but it didn't work so great.

He and I went tubing together, and my mom was the only other adult in the ski boat at the time, so she drove us. Bad idea! My dad must have said, "We're gonna die!" about 50 times! No offense, mom, but I think we should wait for Opa from now on, even though that might not be any better. The only thing that I wish we did was put my dad and Uncle Math in the tube together and have Opa drive! That would have been hilarious!

We went on a couple hikes, one of them to Mokee Hill, a giant sandhill. I only went up once, because it wasn't that fun. It was huge, and there was nothing to slide down on, plus the fact that once we started climbing the actual sand hill, the sun came out and it felt like 110 degrees. Lola, one of Math and Melissa's three toy Yorkie puppies, was so hot that she found a stream and just laid in it. That was just about the only time that we could get her in the water!

Nathan loved fishing. Fishing was the last thing he did at night and the first thing he did in the morning, pretty much. He caught 5 fish in the first 20 minutes that he fished! He must have caught about 30 the whole trip! It was really too bad that none of them were big enough to eat. I tried to fish, but after I cast the pole once, I decided that it wasn't a great idea, because it nearly caught someone's ear.

There were tons of snacks, so we all gained about 5 pounds on the five day trip! On Sunday, Oma and I broke out the watercolors. Caleb started painting, too, so it was pretty fun. We all loved playing cards. Whenever somebody was bored, they either found somebody to play cards with or read. When me and my mom were playing cards one time, Caleb came up and said, "Mom, I found a fire pencil on the floor. Here." He handed my mom a match! It was so funny! We all got super tan, and Melissa had Morgen apply her sunscreen one day. Morgen got the top half of her back, but not the bottom. When Melissa got burnt, the skirt of her swimsuit was flipped up a little bit, and left a really noticeable mark! It was pretty funny!

On Tuesday, we went to Annie's Canyon for a picnic lunch. We explored a little bit and found a crevice in the wall. Math jumped off the boat and crawled into the crevice. After that, every body had to get it. Nathan and Caleb had no trouble, because my dad just lifted them. But there were no handholds to pull yourself up, so my dad held onto the edge and I crawled over his back. It was quite a sight to see!

Anyways, we had a great time. It was tons of fun and I wish we could do it more often. I love camping, and boating, and playing in the water, and spending so much time with my family. Thank you so much for such a great time, Oma Kim and Opa Brent!