I know that I copied this from the Freeman's blog, and that it isn't Father's Day anymore, but it is so cute! I just wanted to see what Nathan and Caleb say about my dad. This is a super cute idea!
N- Let's Go 49!
C- Hey, buddy!
What is something that makes dad happy?
N- Playing football with me
C- Getting candy for us
What is something that makes dad sad?
N- Me punching him in the stomach
C- Being mean
How does dad make you laugh?
N- Wrestling and Tickling
C- Saying something
What was dad like when he was a kid?
N- Crashing on his dirtbike a lot
C- Going off a jump on his motorbike
How old is your dad?
N- 34
C- 50
How tall is your dad?
N- About 8 feet
C- 5 feet tall
How much does your dad weigh?
N- 110 lbs.
C- 6 lbs.
What does dad do when you aren't around?
N- I don't think I can guess
C- Drives places
If dad was famous, what would it be for?
N- He would be a famous guitarist
C- Going on a motorcycle
What is dad's favorite restaurant?
N- JCW's
C- he eats in the kitchen a lot
What is dad really good at?
N- Crashing on his dirtbike
C- Building houses
What is dad not so good at?
N- Going off of jumps
C- Writing with a pencil
What does dad do for work?
N- Works flying planes
C- Does work on an airplane
If dad were a superhero, who would he be?
N- Batman, because dad's pretty much nocturnal
C- Spiderman, because dad likes spiders
What do you and dad do together?
N- play x-box NFL Blitz Pro with me
C- play football
How are you and dad different?
N- He has more talent at football
C- He's bald
How are you and dad the same?
N- We both like football
C- We both like motorcycles
How do you know that dad loves you?
N- He spends his money on food for me and signs me up for football
C- Because he is the best dad in the world
N- He spends his money on food for me and signs me up for football
C- Because he is the best dad in the world
You can see that everything is centered around football and motorcycles! I pulled them away from their motorcycle game to have them answer these questions, so that might be why.
That was cute Nicole. You do such a good job at keeping up your blog and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your pictures. You have such a talent for writing and takingi pictures. Keep it up! Can't wait to see you this weekend.
Jessica says that your bald! I'm not the only one! Ha! Ha!
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