Just Because He's So Cute!
Posted by Nicole at Wednesday, October 29, 2008 0 comments
Volleyball - Our Favorite Sport
This season of volleyball was definitely a good one! My team made it 4th in the tournament. That's pretty good, except that we lost to the most pathetic teams. It made us all feel better that everyone was cheering on the team we lost to because they didn't want to have to play us!

Morgen's team did great. They only won 1 game, but oh well. They were at a huge disadvantage because they only had one 6th grader, a few 5th graders, and a bunch of short 4th graders, while the other teams had the opposite. Also, nobody on Morgen's team had really played volleyball before. But they were awesome, and super cute!
About half the group had their eyes closed in this picture, so I had to post it.
This was their silly picture.
Posted by Nicole at Wednesday, October 29, 2008 0 comments
Recent Conversations
We've had some pretty hilarious conversations going on around our house.
This one was between Nathan and Merek. They were playing with a thermometer.
Nate: I bet I'm warmer than you.
Merek: No way. Look, I'm really warm.
Nate: No, look, I'm so warm that I'm hot.
Merek: Get mad - then you'll be even hotter!
This one was between me and Caleb. He was kinda sick and nobody else was home, so he and I were hanging out together.
Caleb: I really want to play with a friend.
Me: Which friend?
Caleb: Um, Jack.
Me: New Jack or Old Jack? (he has a new imaginary friend named Jack, and a real friend Jack from our old neighborhood.)
Caleb: New Jack. Incept (except) I don't know where he lives.
Me: I don't know either.
Caleb: He probably lives in Heaven with Jesus.
Me: Yeah, probably.
Caleb: Oh, wait. I think that he lives in Highland.
We were at JCW's (the best burger place in the world, for those of you who don't know) and I was waiting for Caleb to come out of the bathroom. Two boys came out while I was standing there and this is what they said:
Boy #1: You just saw mine nuts, you know.
Boy #2: Yeah.
Boy #1: That's pretty weird, you know.
Boy #2: Yeah.
Boy #3 (I'm assuming he was an older brother): That's it. You guys are in huge trouble. You have to go back to the table with mom. She is gonna be so mad!
I'm not sure what she was going to be mad about, but I was trying so hard not to laugh.
Posted by Nicole at Thursday, October 16, 2008 4 comments
Freeman vs. Smith

They had to wear the yellow beanie things over their helmets so that we could tell which team was which.

Posted by Nicole at Sunday, October 12, 2008 0 comments
One Pampered Pooch
Zoee is getting huge. My dad weighed her on Sunday and she was 24 lbs. We took her to the vet on Friday and she weighed 28 lbs! She is now the same size as Kipper was, if not bigger. I can't believe it!
Lately, she enjoys eating moths, hiding under beds and chewing on things, digging, and wrestling with her mouth. We leave the doors and windows open sometimes, just to cool off the house, and so moths come in. She spends about five minutes chasing them and playing around, and eventually just eats them. She also has discovered that people don't see her when she under a bed, so she takes all sorts of stuff under there to chew on. The other day, we found her with a TV remote! Luckily, she hadn't done much damage. I say that she loves wrestling with her teeth because we will roll around on the floor, and she will come and tackle you, literally. In about 30 seconds, she will have her mouth open bigger than you thought possible and you will be able to hear her jaw snap when she tries to bite you. It's scary!
These pictures say it all!
She is very into digging lately :(

Toilet paper
She seems to like to take all of her toys out of her basket and sit there and chew on it.
Her latest sleeping positions:

Sadly, she is big enough to jump onto the couch now. We have tried to make her a non-couch dog, but it isn't working very well.

Posted by Nicole at Sunday, October 12, 2008 1 comments
If Morgen Ruled the World
We all love Morgen! I was looking through some folders on the computer for a picture, and I found this school assignment. She did this at the beginning of the year, and it was so awesome that we scanned it into the computer. Its a little bit hard to read, but what you can is hilarious!
On the third stanza, it says that Morgen wouldn't have Hannah Montana. I think that she means you would only have Miley Cyrus, because Morgen idolizes Miley. On the last line of that stanza it says that she wouldn't even have lima beans or broccoli, but it's really hard to read because she spelled broccoli 'brocly'.
These are some pictures that I took of Morgen in a few 'photoshoot sessions'. I figured that if I was posting something about Morgen, I had to have a picture or two or twenty of her, also.
Posted by Nicole at Saturday, October 04, 2008 3 comments