
Volleyball - Our Favorite Sport

This season of volleyball was definitely a good one! My team made it 4th in the tournament. That's pretty good, except that we lost to the most pathetic teams. It made us all feel better that everyone was cheering on the team we lost to because they didn't want to have to play us!

The Legacy Center volleyball season only lasted 6 weeks, which is kind of short! We only played half of the teams, so I was kind of disappointed. There are Club volleyball teams, but they are really expensive, so I never even dreamed of going for it.
However, my Legacy Center coach called me last week and told me that the tryouts were yesterday. We went back and forth for a long time, because nobody wants to rent the house so we don't have a ton of money right now. My dad said that I should just tryout and see what happens, especially because somebody was going to rent the house. Then, when they backed out, it was back to a 'no'. But THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Oma Cheryl for talking my dad into it! We decided that with contributions from grandparents, money from my savings account, and money from the Football DVD's I'm selling to Nate's football team, we will have enough money to pay the half down payment tomorrow night.
1. It is a 6 month season
2. Fees cover everything, including uniforms and tournament fees
3. Its a really advance program and you have a specific position that you play, not center-set rotation.
4. It is really close! Practices are just 2 minutes away and tournaments are from Salt Lake to Provo.
5. It might be really expensive now, but if I get a college scholarship with volleyball, it will save us more than we are paying.
1. It's over $1,000
2. There are 7 tournaments, most of which are from 8 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon on Saturdays. Some are after school on Friday and then from 8-5 on Saturday.
3. Practices are two hours twice a week.
I'm really excited! My team isn't that great from what I've seen, but with 4 hours of practice every week, we'll get a lot better. And, the teams that we will be playing are in the same position - their teams aren't too great, either.
Well, this isn't the best picture of me.
I thought that this picture was pretty sweet, though.

My team.

Morgen's team did great. They only won 1 game, but oh well. They were at a huge disadvantage because they only had one 6th grader, a few 5th graders, and a bunch of short 4th graders, while the other teams had the opposite. Also, nobody on Morgen's team had really played volleyball before. But they were awesome, and super cute!

About half the group had their eyes closed in this picture, so I had to post it.

This was their silly picture.

This was the good one.

Kaya and I enjoyed taking pictures of each other while they were taking pictures.

They are so cute!