

Sorry to put three posts about one vacation, but there is just so much to blog about! Here are some more pictures of the blessing that I finally got on. This is the whole gang after the blessing.

My mom and baby AJ.

Andre Senior and Andre Junior

Morgen was playing Ring Around the Rosies with the little girls in the foyer after sacrament meeting!

I said that I wanted a picture of these girls, and Jamie placed them where she wanted them and did a super cute pose. I noticed that Jamie really likes to have her picture taken!

This was the lunch after the blessing. Brynn and Joely were having a jello fight.

Hudson was adorable, too!

The kids loved playing games - their favorite was battleship.

This is what the dads did after lunch. Computer and football!

We tried to go to the beach later on Sunday. That was a really, really bad decision. It was so windy that you could barely walk. Sand was blowing everywhere and you could hardly see anything, but those of us who were adventrous (and stupid) went out onto the pier. It was better once we were away from the beach and sand, but it was still really windy. My eyes were watering the whole time and every kid that came with us asked why I was crying!

I don't even think that this is our family - I just thought it was a cool picture!

Bryson, Nathan and Caleb on the pier.

Our family and Jacqui (Jessica always seemed to chicken out)

Here are some cool pictures of the ocean.

You can see how windy it was here - there is sand everywhere!


Amy said...

K time for some new pictures. I know you probably have like 2000 pictures that you've taken since southern california.