
Camping at Dillons Beach

Camping was awesome- freezing, but awesome. We had to hike over 3 giant sand hills to get to the beach, and the ocean was like 10 degrees, but there was plenty of food and plenty of things to do, like make friendship bracelets :)

This was the only time we actually got in the ocean because it was FREEZING

I love this picture!!!!

Some stuff around camp- Longtail, the boys' beerbottle pet


Friendship bracelets :)

More friendship bracelets :)
Gimp. I don't even know what that means but its a cool nickname!

Mom and Caleb

Bryson, Jamie, and Nate

Playing Speed, the best and most addicting game ever invented

Me and Oma Meinzer

Me and Opa Meinzer
The boys had fun making the little squishy things squirt everywhere

Lots of jumping coming up.

Our feet would get stuck in the sand