I'm extremely sorry for the picture overload, but I had to put on a ton because all the ward is getting the pictures from here, so I went a little crazy. Also, I have no idea why the spacing is so weird, but I can't really change it, so deal with it :)
Anyways, that said, Girls Camp was amazing. It always is. I decided that my family does not go camping enough! It is sooo much fun! It was just our ward this year, and we went to a place called Beaver Ridge (but there weren't actually any beavers). It was awesome. I'm not quite sure where to start, so I will just write as you go through the pictures.
We all sat in a circle one day and played games, like Truth (truth or dare, but without the dare part) and Have You Ever. We found out lots of interesting things about each other (that I would like to share, but unfortunately what is said in the circle stays in the circle)
Before each meal, we had a Cow and a Princess. They got to sit on a toilet seat and fancy pillow for the meal, and read a cute little written poem type thing.
We went on a 3 mile hike up to a GORGEOUS meadow (you'll see what I mean)
I did a little touch-up editing to this picture, but not much. Its GORGEOUS.
I absolutely LOVE these pictures- it was the perfect place to do a photoshoot. I wish that it was closer so we could do a real one, but these two will do for now.
We got to take the beehives snipe hunting this year!!!! I didn't think that it would work but I forgot how gullible beehives are. Monica 'got bit' (thanks to red food coloring) and the bishop went into the trees and started shaking them. The beehives were pretty freaked out. It was awesome.
This is the other picture that I absolutely love, and its a good thing because its the only one we have of us three. It was so much fun to have both my mom and my sister there with me. I'm in a good position because I fit in with the miamaids (me), the leaders (my mom), and the beehives (Morgen)! (There weren't any laurels that came this year. We only have 2 I think)
I love having long hair because you can do tons of stuff with it, but I also love it because everyone loves to play with it! I sat on Monica and Jenessa and they played with my hair and rubbed my back. It was sweet. If the sourpatch dude cut off my hair I would kill him.
This was our camp dog, Tabby. She was so fun, except she was only there on the first and last day. She went swimming in the lake, which totally reminded me of Zoee. That would be another reason my family should camp more- Zoee would be in heaven.
TYE DYE SHIRTSWe made Tye Dye Shirts on the first day. I already knew about it, so I looked up cool ways to tye dye shirts on the internet before we left for camp. I also had an extra volleyball T-shirt that I wanted to do.
These were the two that I did
We learned how to make cool necklaces out of washers and cool steel stamp sets and hammers. They are really cute, and I bought a stamp set and I'm going to turn it into a business (probably $5 per necklace and $3 per washer, but I'll post later with more info).
PAPER BEADS!!!! I was addicted last year, and we did them again this year. I could do these for hours. I did a bunch, but then got stuck with crappy, sticky scissors that wouldn't cut, so I tried to clean them with a baby wipe. Yeah... not smart. I sliced my finger and almost couldn't paper bead anymore!!! I was devastated!!! But then I figured out that if you SUPER GLUE YOUR FINGER it helps it to heal! And it didn't even hurt and my life was saved! I am now a super glue fan!
We also made flowers. This is another one of my obsessions. Morgen and I now have 64 total and we are running out of room to put them! But don't worry- I will wear a flower every single day to school next year so that they don't go to waste.
Maika and Jenessa
Hannah, Morgen, Gentri, and Hayley
Ashley and Morgen
The whole gang
There was a lake down the road a little ways from our campsite, so we brought a canoe and went canoeing. It was fun, except the water was mossier than my opa's pond at the moment (which is pretty gross, no offense Opa Brent) so there was NO tipping whatsoever. Except Hayley got wet, I have no idea why, she's crazy.
Me, Jenessa, Hayley, and Maika
Hayley and Gentri
Hayley, Ashley, Morgen, and Gentri
Because of the pond, there were a million mosquitos, so we got pretty imaginative with our methods of keeping away bugs. One method was to put a bounce dryer sheet somewhere on your body, and for the most part it worked. Except not on me because once again I have 16 mosquito bites (I had 18 no Trek). I swear nothing works on me, so why even try?
ZIPLINEThere was a zipline right by the lake, and we had it all to ourselves. It was really fun, minus the 3 minor injuries from it. I didn't get great shots of everybody, but here are a few...
Bishop Compton
Sister Johnson
We had dance skit things, where we pretty much made up a skit and danced to it. It was pretty much hilarious. I'll post them on Facebook or something once I get all the videos uploaded.
You Can't Stop the Beat group
Footloose group
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun group (1/2 of it at least)
I just have to thank all of the amazing leaders and tell you how much I love you. You are all huge examples to me. I shared in my testimony on the last night how much I love the word example. In my opinion, it sums up our whole religion. If we don't live what we believe, what is the point of believing it? I really just want to be a good example to everyone around me, and if I can do that, I will be happy. I have family members who don't go to church anymore, and it is really heartbreaking. I couldn't imagine my life without this gospel, especially growing up and becoming a teenager, and having Satan throwing temptations constantly. It makes me scared for my cousins, but also that much more determined to the the good example of a virtuous, faithful daughter of God and a person that they can look up to as they are growing up. I am also grateful for the great examples of leadership and motherhood and friendship that I have to look up to. I can only hope to be as great as you are. I love you leaders (and friends and grandparents and mom and dad and siblings) sooooo much! Thanks for everything that you do! You truly are amazing.
wow! You have had a super great summer!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures and stories - I felt like I was there with you! And thanks for being such a good example to all those who know and love you - your testimony is strong and vibrant - you are a blessing to us all!
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