Dad and Caleb's Birthday
Posted by Nicole at Wednesday, December 31, 2008 1 comments
Christmas Comics
The other day, we were in the car and Nathan was singing the song which I'm sure you have all heard and maybe even sung yourselves, "Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid a gun, Shot a guy and made him cry in 1989 . . ." Caleb thought that was pretty funny, so he made up his own version, "Jingle underwear, Batman smells like underwear, Jingle underwear, Robin laid a underwear, Shot a underwear, and made it poop, in underwear . . ."
"Oh, I guess it's not lunch."
Posted by Nicole at Monday, December 29, 2008 0 comments
This is our new birdie! I figured that Libbie was getting kind of lonely and I didn't really have a lot of time to get her out, so we got her a friend (hopefully a husband, but we don't know if its a boy or girl). We named him Periwinkle, Peri for short, because that's what color he is. Nathan really wanted to name him Peatie Jr, PJ for short, but he isn't exactly Peatie's son, so we couldn't name him PJ.
In memory of Peatie

Posted by Nicole at Saturday, December 27, 2008 3 comments
I tried to put these pictures in chronological order, but I don't know if that happened!
We had our Nativity Scene dinner thing on Tuesday night, I think. I finally got to be Mary again (Morgen has been Mary the past three years or so), and Nathan was Joseph. Baby Kyson was going to be Baby Jesus, but he had to have his diaper changed. Morgen was an angel, and I think that Caleb was a bunny! He wanted to be the donkey, but the only donkey costume that fit was a baby one, and he thought that it looked like a bunny rabbit.
Isn't Kinley the cutest sad lamb you have ever seen? She was sad that Caleb wouldn't let her sit in the mini recliner!
On the night before Christmas Eve, all four kids slept over at Oma Kim's house. It was really fun!
With all the snow, and because Zoee is blind as a bat, a tennis ball isn't working very well for playing fetch. So, we found this hot pink Frisbee, and she chases it just fine. We threw it pretty far one time, and she went after it and just plummeted into a huge drift!
Uncle Math came over on Christmas morning, because Santa came here for them. He and Dad had their matching Real Salt Lake shirts, and now all they needed were tickets. Dad couldn't understand why his shirt had a bulge and Math's didn't!
Posted by Nicole at Saturday, December 27, 2008 1 comments
Some More Recent Conversations
These are just for you, Michele. I was looking at my older posts and the one where I put the funny conversations got the most comments, and Michele requested that I do more of those posts. I decided that whenever I hear something funny, I'm going to write it down, and then once a month I'll put them all on my blog, so you can look forward to that!
Here you go . . .
I think that Nathan was just talking nonsense to anybody that would listen
"I don't know why, but when you stick your gum to the roof of your mouth it puts the flavor back into it. It's like the roof has all sorts of flavors and it picks out the right one and puts it back into the gum!"
This was when we were driving around and looking at all the Christmas lights.
Morgen - "Oh, look at that tree! It's bright red!"
Caleb - "Yeah, it's half green, too!"
My mom was clipping Caleb's nails, and he said, "I love it when you clip my nails, mommy. It feels good. Except now I can't itch when I have a scratch!"
I was talking about how my German and English classes are my two favorite, and Morgen asked, "Why do you have an English class? You already know how to speak English!"
We were at Oma Cheryl and Opa Larry's house for Christmas. Opa got all the family to hold hands in a circle around the tree for a prayer. When he was finished, Talon said, "Wow! That took a long time!"
Zoee has been hilarious lately. She loves to chew on anything that she can find. My mom came into the room earlier today holding a weird rag-looking thing that was all mangled and soggy, and said, "Zoee just hacked up this sock."
She is also big enough to jump up and put her front paws on the counter now. The other day, my mom was getting dinner ready and had gone into the office for a minute. She came back in and half of the turkey on the dish was gone! Zoee must have gotten onto the counter and eaten two whole turkey legs, and then laid back down on the couch in the 45 seconds my mom was out of the room.
Posted by Nicole at Sunday, December 21, 2008 0 comments