
Dad and Caleb's Birthday

Caleb had his 'fake five' party on Friday, the 19th. He wasn't really turning five, but he was still celebrating it so it was his 'fake five'. Then, the 29th was his 'real five' because it was really his birthday! We had the Olsen's and the Meinzers come over for cake and icecream, and Caleb was content with that.

I'm not sure why this picture won't turn the right way!

My dad was making fun of me because I was taking so many pictures. He asked if I was making a stop-motion video (whatever that means).

Mom made a Peppermint Cheesecake for Dad's birthday. It was soooo good! But who doesn't like cheesecake?

Nathan was just as excited as Caleb for opening presents!


Heidi said...

wow that cheesecake looks so yummy!thanks for taking all those pictures!